Thursday, October 30, 2008

How the "Habits"...have disturbed my habits!!!

When sir told us abt the "7 habits"...we were all very skeptical on the idea of reading a book apart from our syllabus book. Much as we all are used to the conventional style of teaching since the day we were born. Asusual we all had stupid fears and silly questions in our
"Yaar ab ye book bhi parhni paray gi saari???"
"Oye agar sir nay is 7habits wali book say quiz lay liya to....*gulp*....*gulp*...???
"Why are we even bothering to study this dry and boring book...??"......................and the list goes on.
However, as things've turned out well for me....I dnt know abt the others but atleast I've started to realize the worth of the 'apparently' boring book. They'r so right when they say that appearances can be deceptive.
The reason why I'm forced to think in this way is the number of changes the book has brought in me so far.

I really like habit 1...."being proactive". The discussionof this habit in class proved to be an eye-opener for a pessimistic and reactive person like me. A proactive person is one who thinks positively and thus undergoes continuous improvement all his life. While a reactive person is very negative and is always blaming circumstances. This blame game affects a reactive person’s social life and thus his circle of influence shrinks and the circle of concern widens, vice versa. So the underlying message is that we all must at all stages of life adopt proactivity as a primary habit. It will reflect on our other habits too and thus help us in becoming a much better person. Try being proactive....believe me u'll start feeling good about yourself......and so will others. The habit makes you do every thing with enthusiasm and viguor and brings out the optimistic person in you.

As far as habit 2 is concerned...."To begin with the end in mind".......I guess it hasnt brought any significant change in me since I feel I was already practicing it. Whenever I take up a task....whether at home or in class....I make sure that I know what results I want to get at the end of the day....that makes things fairly simple for me. But I just wish I was able to apply this habit in my BSC courses.....semesters are passing by.......and I'm still a bit double minded abt my majors.

Honestly speaking the 3rd habit just went right off my head....Its pretty confusing and I find it boring too. I guess I'll have to understand it first inorder to put it into practice.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ufone's Mission Statement

With a fresher look than is accepted and appreciated across the board by people of all ages, we aim to connect with you and provide you state of the art services. No matter who you are, where you are, what you want to say, how you want to say it or how you feel, you are our focus. Because at Ufone, it’s all about U!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

An Eventful Thursday!!!

As soon as we entered the class we found our sleepy eyed sir sitting crossed legged on the table with a mug of steaming coffee in his hand. The day started off with Usman Khalid’s presentation on DELL computers. It was quite informative. The underlying concept was the “Direct Business Model”. In this fast paced globalised world consumer choices and preferences change rapidly. A product launched in the Market today might become outdated tomorrow. Thus inorder to cater to the changing needs and demands of its customers and to ensure sales maximization Dell introduced this model in its production house. This system enabled the customers to come directly in contact with the suppliers and order products as per their requirements. The new system of eliminating a middle man has so far been a success. However like every other business model it has its own share of problems. Maybe that’s the reason why other big competitors of DELL have still not been able to adopt this system.
Apart from the informative presenatation, sir gave us tips about the way one is suppose to address the class while presenting....... attitude, body language, speaking style....etc.
The rest of the time was spent in discussing chapter 2 in class. We read about concepts like SWOT analysis, Market Segmentation, Market Positioning, The Marketing Mix, Marketing Management etc.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A "Routine" class....!!!

The Class began with group 2’s presentation on the 2nd habit. It went fine. The highlight of the presentation, however, were the slides. To say it in Sir Mannan’s style, they were Awesome. The use of bright colours and interesting pictures made the overall presentation less boring. The topic under discussion was “To Begin With the End in Mind”. This means that we must always plan our final goals before initiating anything we intend to do in life. For instance, I as a student should begin my graduation with one aim in mind….. i.e., what do I intend to do after acquiring this degree. Once these ultimate aims are clear in ones mind, it gets easier to move ahead in life. Apart from this several types of people and their lifestyles were discussed like spouse centered people, religion centered people, enemy centered people, self centered people….so on and so forth. After the presentation the first half of chapter 2 of marketing was covered